I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Thursday, October 02, 2003

[Music || Lene Marlin, "Another Day" album]
I finally got the new Lene album in the mail yesterday! You don't know how excited I am. Ever since I heard "Maybe I'll Go," every Lene song tells a story in my life. This is why I respect her as an artist so highly -- she wants her listeners to interpret her lyrics for themselves so the can imagine their own story. She doesn't speak of what her songs mean. Lene is amazing. She doesn't disappoint with album too... I was like "Okay, I shouldn't have such high expectations cos I don't think she can top 'Playing My Game'." Halfway through "Another Day," I started laughing and shouted out "Fucking Lene! She's done it again! She wrote another damn flipping good album." Ahh.. I love Lene's music. Lyrically, she is my favorite artist.

So here comes my big post that reflects so kind of depth into me. Throughout high school, I never felt I was "smart." You know, I got the okay grades that some kids around would envy but I never thought I tried hard enough. Still, I passed by with As and Bs which I was so happy to get. I was always afraid that one day people will see through me and find out that I'm really not anywhere near intellectual. I don't know.. but now it's college. Everyone is just a face. Your grades are reflected on a scan-tron. Maybe this is where I will be exposed as the fraud... because I'm getting Bs and I know I can do better. Like in my Beca class the other day, half the class had 90% or higher while I barely managed to get a 80% (and I thought the test was pretty easy since I studied for it). Who knows... but time will tell. How can I succeed in a major when all I got was 80% on a simple test? Well, Bs are good and I should be happy. After all, I can only be me.

Am I wearing a disguise? I don't know. Today I had a Stat midterm that I thought would be a cinch. And then I got stuck. Who knows what I scored come Tuesday.

Monday, September 29, 2003

[Music || Hilary Duff, "So Yesterday"]
"Alias" was kick ass last night! I was screaming at the TV when Vaughn (that bastard) shot Syd! BASTARD! Good thing, cos she's not gonna give you any closure! She ain't gonna give you that satisfaction! I was so worried I wouldn't be watching it since I was on a television celibracy for about a month now. A big thanks to my room mate for letting me watch the box!

Another thing... on Saturday, I went to a concert with Zoraida. Good times. I mean, getting lost in the city by taking the wrong bus is and then not knowing how to get home at 2 a.m. is what good stories are made of. We both didn't know the band we were going to see... just that it was a band. Turned out it was The Flipsides (surprisngly, I liked them a lot. reminds me of Josie&TPC if you could hear what they were saying), The Briefs (too wild for me), and The Epoxies (good show). Eventually I gave up trying to make out what the bands were singing... it was like, I don't think I'm suppose to be listening for any profound lyrics. I joined the crowd in head bobbing and feet tapping. I didn't join the crowd in mosh pitting. I can honestly say I had a good time. This might not be the type of music I would like to listen to away from the concert, but it's good fun to see them live.

That's all I want to clock in. Also, I hope you listen to "HWC" by Liz Phair!