This could be it, I think I'm in love.
All my life -my parents, my classmates, my teachers, everyone! - made me believe I was only worth what someone thought of me! But yesterday, I finally knew that someone liked me for me. I'm in love (or lust) me Blogger, that someone loves me, and that is worth everything. We're going away from you after this school year, away from the school, away from this city, away from everyone!
I'm sick of keeping my relationship a secret but I needed to know for sure. This could break me 180, but I don't care. At least for now, I know I am safe. I've been wounded time after time in this world, but sometimes vulnerability is my greatest strength.
So who cares what others think. The world is a perfect place. It's true, when you find your other half.
I'm questioning myself... when did I know this was right? Well, yesterday it was the most spectacular time. I can't even describe it. You know when you're all alone and watching a movie (well, a DVD in a living room - but no one was in the house!!!).. you notice all these little things. I can proudly say I am like Amelie. I do notice the small things. Well, halfway through "Happy Times" (damn, Dong Jie is a good actress!), I just knew. I didn't know how, but the feeling suffocated me and I couldn't bare it any longer.
Later, in the car... I finally told myself - I can't be afraid any longer, you know? If this isn't "it," which it may very not be... at least I knew I tried and it'll come again. The world revolves. How come I was standing still for so long?
I feel like I'm on an ultimate high. Suddenly all the love songs make sense. I don't even know what to think!!!
If you meet someone 5 months ago (well, August) or whatever... it can become the greatest love story ready to be told.
My next date... is with {The Hours}. :o)