I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

"Sometimes a man's vulnerability is his strength"
[Music || Lene Marlin, "I Know"]
I cried.

Just like everybody else, I cry.

I don't know what came over me. I don't know why. I'm handling being by myself and school pretty well. I have friends to rely on. Why did I suddenly felt so alone? Why did I suddenly feel afraid of change?

I cried.

I covered my head with my pillow, my soft comfortable pillow, and I cried on top of my lumpy bed. Then I gathered myself, tried to conceal the redness in my eyes, and went down the hallway to the showers. No one noticed me. I turned on the nozzle and had the steam rain over me. I tried to compose myself.

I hate change. I hate how we all say things will always be okay, but then little things creep along and change. How come right now I feel so alone. I like being alone but the need for human compassion is sometimes too great.

How come I feel we are nothing but strangers now?

And so I cried. Maybe not tomorrow, or the next day, but in the future, I hope to wake up and find this ordeal made me stronger.


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