I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Sunday, November 16, 2003

"Sleeping In"
[Music || PYT feat/ Sarai, "Same Ol' Same Ol' (Remix)"]
I'm hugging my extra large, warm pillow I bought from Mervyns. It's so comfortable. Just to think, in less than a week and a half, I'll be back home.

However, this is not before I get through a balcony of school work. As of right now, I'm cramming for my second and last Astronomy exam. I got a "D" on my last one, so I'm hoping I score well enough on this and the final to drop that Exam 1 score.

This weekend was most uneventful for me. I planned to go out but then my room mate left for the weekend so I enjoyed my solitude in my room. It's so nice to sleep through a lazy, hazy Saturday afternoon. I didn't have any cares. Today I slept until noon and then avoiding the walk to the D.C., I ate some Little Debbie fudge thingys. This reminds me I have to go to the market this week.

Well, that's about it. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.. I have to draw out a list on what I plan to get for people. I usually overthink this and give, in my opinion, really great gifts but the person receiving it doesn't think so.

If I have time next Tuesday, I'll look for Willa Ford's "A Toast To Men" single at Tower. Hopefully they carry it.


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