I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Friday, October 31, 2003

"Pieces of Kenneth"

I am going to post a huge update on my adventure last night. Well, firstly, I have no Halloween plans like usual. However, if I was back home, I'm sure I'll finally do something since Halloween falls on a Friday this year! It has to be Friday right when I'm not home. Anywho, here are my Top 5 Movies I've seen this year -- so far:

1. Whale Rider (tears!)
2. L'auberge espagnole (independence and youth! This will fall once Oscar season comes around)
3. Lost In Translation (discovery! isolation!)
4. thirteen (teen angst! family!)
5. Pieces of April (family matters!)
(2-5 were so hard to compile!)

The rest:
6. Lilya 4-Ever (loved it, it was haunting but I'm not so much into dark movies)
7. Bend It Like Beckham (lightweight, but enjoyable and witty to the max!)
8. X2 ("X-Men United") (showed how good sequels can be, and what great new characters! It delievered the goods!)
9. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (ditto, but sadly the box office didn't agree. Angelina Jolie delivered the kicking ass better than I could imagine)
10. Spellbound (E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-I-N-G-!)

The worst (I don't watch enough movies to have a big list, but here goes):
1. Dirty Pretty Things (biggest disappointment of the year, I don't care how many good reviews it gets. The only good thing was Audrey.)
2. Identity
Borderline guilty pleasures:
2.5 How To Deal
3. The Eye
4. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
5. Under The Tuscan Sun


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