I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Saturday, September 27, 2003

[Music || Rachel Stevens, "Sweet Dreams (My L.A. Ex)" & Lucy Woodward, "Standing"]
Yeah, I have an L.A. ex I would love to say "If I were in your shoes, I'll whisper before I shout..." :-)

Today was a routine Friday. I wonder when they will start running out of movies for me to watch. Plus, I'm wasting quite a bit but I think spending $6.25 a week on escapism is worth it. I went to watch a movie that I had initially mixed feelings about, "Under The Tuscan Sun." In the end, the draw of seeing Diane Lane who blew me away in "Unfaithful" brought me in.

The early reviews sort of influenced me. The movie is very uneven and doesn't come close to anything memorable, but at the same time... I had a good time. It was a movie that although didn't make sense all the time, was throughly enjoyable. Sandra Oh who plays Lane's pregnant lesbian friend was hilarious in it. I thought Lane did a good job in the role but I can imagine other actresses taking the character further. Diane Lane can act, but in this comedic role.. there are several scenes that didn't come off as funny or naturally as I would've imagined. Still, she's a force to be reckon with. I laughed so hard when she returned home from having sex (for a long, long time) and started jumping on the bed and doing a sexy dance. "I've still got it!"

I heard the book was completely different than the movie, but so what? The scenery were nice, but not as nice as say.. "Tuck Everlasting." Tuscany looked okay, but it didn't make me want to go there or anything.

Overall, the last two movies I've seen had a similar theme. "Lost in Translation" and "Under The Tuscan Sun" both deal with being in a new surrounding and discovering a part of yourself. Perhaps this is why they both connected with me on a good level.


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