I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

[Music || Jessica Simpson, "In This Skin"]
Can I handle it? I'm putting in and I'm trying but I'm not passing.

I studied Astronomy for my first quiz but instead, I studied the wrong thing. Perhaps this is a learning experience, but I don't want to end up failing my first classes in college.

Over the weekend, I botched up an essay for my Beca class I'm not too proud of. I just hope that I did okay.

This afternoon (and for the last five days), I've been slaving over my English essay. I've finally pieced together something I am not too ashamed of. I know my first essay I turned in on Tuesday was something I would've done in Ms. Burkhart's AP class and know I don't expect anything but a "C-." Now I reworked the whole point and formed something I can grasp and not B.S.

All of this, and I'm on my own trying to adapt and handle newfound responsibilities. Maybe this eye opening experience will teach me more about myself than I will ever know... regardless of my decision at the end of the year.

This weekend, I will try to fit in homework AND writing back. I am having fun here and met some great new people, but I still need to keep in contact with my bosom buddies. :-)

BTW, I have seen some changes in me. I use to be a lot more energetic and 'krazy' but I'm laying down low here. I'm more reserved and blah... aka non-interesting. Who knows, I hope I don't lose that part of myself... I am so c-c-c-razy! I want to believe that!


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