I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I went to see "8 Women" last night. I can honestly say that it was very enjoyable. C'mon.. a French murder mystery/comedy with musical numbers?!? It was really funny and the actresses were over-the-top in a good way. I thought the story had too many plot lines that could've been eliminated but 8 of the largest French actresses resulted in almost equal screen time.

I liked the songs, especially the one sung by Chantel and Augustine. Suzon's song was catchy too. And the first track, "Daddy Ain't With It" was hilarious! A great start for the movie.

And yes, I finally conjured up the will to buy "XY" - the magazine because someone sorta coerced me to. It's a good magazine in certain areas which are generally universal advice to anyone. The eye candy is OK, but unrealistic and not even that good looking! There are silly and whiny bits which down down it's "intellectual" essence. The 'zine "Bitch!" was much more interesting to read.


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