I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Sunday, October 10, 2004

"An Exodus"
[Music Utada, "Kremlin Dusk"]
I don't really know what to write. Right now, I'm listening to Utada's "Kremlin Dusk." It's so original and strange, a clash of classical, electronic, and rock. It's beautiful. It's mysterious. It's fitting.

Honestly, I have lots I want to get off my chest but this is not the place nor time. If I asked for distraction, I succeeded in piling myself with more work than I could ever imagine. But somehow, I don't feel satisfied. Will I ever? Maybe... but I shall not get into it here.

"I am a secret propaganda. Aren't we all hiding pieces of anger?"

Please try to find a copy of "Exodus" at a music store and support Utada by buying it. It's one of the most original albums I've heard in a long time and it's nothing short of eccentric awesomeness. I'll post a full review next time.

Peace. And I bid you a good day.


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