I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Monday, March 01, 2004

"Better Days..."
[Music || None]
You know those bad days -- days where everything goes wrong -- that are sprinkled throughout the year? I had one of them today.

I feel so depressed on this cold, rainy-in-the-morning day. I feel like a dark cloud masked the day in my calendar. I don't know what happened. Everything just sort of tumbled down. I hate myself for not doing things. I hate how my Professor spoke to us. I hate how I missed class on Friday. I hate the homework I have today. I hate not being able to drive off and instead, being holed in this school place.

It's days like these that I miss L.A. so incredibly much. I miss the warmth of my home. I miss being close to love ones. I miss security.

I feel weak on these bad days, weak that I'm afraid I don't have the strength to make it through here for the coming years. I changed the layout today to reflect a darker mood.

When I lay down tonight, I'll sleep knowing better days are coming around...


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