I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Thursday, January 29, 2004

[Music || Rebecca St. James, "Wait For Me"]
Dropping English, Adding classes, being dissed by a professor, taking a bus to some remote area to buy a text book, and more.

Boy, was this semester off to a messy start that's driving me crazy. At times, I feel I am falling back into the routine of being afraid that I can't make it on my own without the warmth security of home. See, if this was in LA, then I would have a crap day at school but know at the end of the day, I will return to my familiar bed at home. Here, I return to my somewhat uncomfortable dorm without anybody waiting for me back at it. However, it's just my perception of home; I know if I really go back, it's not all sunshine and dandy.

Then, there are those moments... those little moments like meeting someone on a bus or being accepted into the class that make up for all the dreadful bore. It's moments like these that give me hope, that I can make it on my own. I don't know what I'm trying to say here really, but I just have to type it out.

There you go. I really enjoyed "Fables and Tales," so please... let me be added into it. Please. I promise I'll try my best.


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