I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

I'll actually post something that has meaning today.

Yesterday I was talking to Danh while going to "window-video-renting" at Blockbuster (that meant we didn't rent anything, lol). Anyways, we were having this whole discussion about him liking this one girl... which I guess, is a crush. He was asking me how you actually tell somebody. I'm the last person to come to for this type of talk but I just encouraged him. Because who knows.. what might happen with him and (girl's name, which I know but feel it's not relevant to post).

And now I'm listening to some PLAY songs and being the "romantic" that I am.. (haha as Ms. Burkhart brought up. I supported Catherine with Heathcliff, not Edgar! Go soulmates!) I wanted to make a contributing post. See, I never thought I would like somebody but it was not until later on when I started to get interested. It's just this feeling I get with this person that's just... carefree (that's not the right word to describe it, but I don't really know how TO describe it). My problem is I'm afraid of rejection like everyone else. Would I rather take a leap of faith and see what happens or keep it to myself? Well, I've never taken the first so I can't tell you. Plus, there's this whole thing where I don't know if I should get with someone and not be ready or just plain dislike the good chance that the bad times will be coming around when it's break-up session.

(note: I have no idea where this post is going but I decided I must write something about it this morning.)

I just hope it's not Mandy Moore's "Crush" again where it just goes nowhere. I don't know.. part of me says yes, part of me says no. I just don't want to ruin a good friendship. I never thought I would say that. I never got what people meant when they say they don't want to ruin a friendship. I guess, I know now. Lol.

There is only so much time can do. Part of me has to speak out but I'm afraid. But it's a sign when you wake up thinking about this. Or have strange, nightmares about this with a plush lion eating my hand! I don't think I should even be posting this, but it is better said than forgotten.

Is it "better to be lonely," like Amanda Latona says...? Who knows, but like Lee Ann Womack sings "Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making." Let's just say I wouldn't put money on either. I would rather watch and see how the situation plays out.

Perhaps this post got me thinking when yesterday Kit decided to tease me about this. I just laughed it off because I didn't know how to react. Ok..... lemme just end this embarassing post!


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