I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Friday, February 14, 2003

Blah, so I'm already sick of my "Suddenly" make-over.

I rented "Kissing Jessica Stein" yesterday and I watched it again today. I must say, I appreciate the film much more now. It looks much better on DVD than at the theater... and it's pretty damn good. When I left the theater, I didn't think the ending fit. I suppose it still doesn't fit as well now, but on my second viewing, the ending felt like a shoe that FITS, but you kinda have to scrunch your toes a bit. Catch my vibe, mate?

So I'm marinating ;0) in the witty movie why thinking of sexy-ugly people... and I thought I might as well use the Rilke quote and make a new layout. "Kissing Jessica Stein" is UNDERRATED! I'm glad I borrowed it because I was reluctant since I wanted to see "8 Women" which the store didn't have.


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