I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Magical Sand"
[Music High School Musical, "Start of Something New"]
Summer's end is here. And I must say, it has been one of the best summers I've ever had. I don't know how it happened. I keep wondering when I'll wake up.

Change is inevitable and with it brings wonderful people into my life. At the same time, I have to say goodbye to others. Without further ado, here's to my reflections:

1.) Graduation: School. More school. More and more school. It's finally over. It's been 3 months and to be honest, I do miss it a smidge. I don't miss the housing mess, exam stress, and group projects. I do miss the security of being somewhere, having a creative outlet, learning and listening to new POVs, and getting validated for my ideas. It's all over for now. Currently, I do not have any intentions of heading back soon. I felt like the whole time I was there, I was there because I had to. I rushed through it to be finished and I don't think I accomplished anything. Who knows. I don't have any regrets though because I've learned so much about myself and experienced wonderous things I would've never done had I stayed here. At graduation, the whole feeling wasn't of triumph, but a sense of peace. Like always, peace doesn't last and now I must worry about the next step.

2. Family & Friends: As I'm older now, I am nearer to family physically but further in emotional closeness. I have accepted we come from different generations and cultures so we don't have the same ideologies. You can never see it through my eyes and I will never see it through yours. I hope we find a common respect though.

With friends, I have accepted some have gone, some have just arrived, and some are in between. I am just happy to spend time with them.

Some memorable moments this summer with friends:
  • L & Il: La Jolla was such a blast. I love taking pictures with you guys, dressing up, and eating out at hip restaurants. "Devil Wears Prada" was a great movie though it was no Nicole Kidman. Who can forget Josh Hoge/Ryan Cabrera (well, I can forget their performances), Wal-Mart closing time, and ice cream sandwiches in Westwood?

  • Steve: I would've never thunk I would be friends with you again. We sure have evolved and we are quite different now but at least we can talk. Thanks for taking me to American Idol Live, even though we didn't know anyone there. No thanks for second hand smoking! (Even though you say it won't kill me)

  • Hav: You are the only person I know who rivals my online time. All those lunch dates were fun. Also, finding places to save. Thanks for FatWallet tips and helping me save even more. Market trips (even late night), pizza buffets, and Big Lots rocked. Tyra Banks jipped us! Blah. P.S. We both suck at picking restaurants.

  • Ally: I haven't seen you as much but the few times we've gone out, it was fun. You're one of the few friends I feel are close, yet I never see you. Why is that? However, everytime we talk or go out (like for trendy Japanese food), I feel like nothing's really changed that much and we can find that common bond and open up about our feelings. Maybe it was cuz growing up these past years has been hard for both of us in our own ways. Who knows.

  • Clai: What a year it has been. I'll never forget SF. It really was an experience and something I needed to go through to grow. And I have seen you changed a lot. I like talking to you about my problems. Thanks for Project Runway (and all the food you and your family served!), Electric Car, and Miami Vice (though you said not to mention that movie again). Maybe I stopped watching PR due to fate because America's favorite rosettes-obsessed Sweetheart got the boot the week after. Sigh. I wish you the best with everything in France!

  • Dan: Thanks for all those outings like D&B and watching movies! It was fun!

  • Vall: Chica.... I miss all those Tarjay and restaurant outings! I was so happy to see you for your bday in LA. You are so trendy and hip and have definitely grown into a SF chicana diva. No matter how LA pride you say you are, you are all SF-ed now!

  • Aundrea: You're my cool BECA bud. You're so interesting to talk to online and I am so glad we met on our way to that club (ugh!). I miss Pollyann's. Thanks for taking me there. Good times!

    3. Magic:
    Of course, I didn't forget Jim-Jim. You bring a smile to my face. :) Although it has just been summer, our relationship has changed me considerably. I would've never imagined that by putting myself out there, that believing it could happen TO ME, I was able to meet you. Sigh. You are the cutest, sexiest, happiest, and best cook person I know. I am just happy around you and I love hearing your stories.

    I can't believe I met someone who grew up liking all these kid cartoons or stayed in packed hotel rooms. Okay, okay. I am not going to reveal all the magic; I believe some things are better left unknown to others. I won't spill every detail of our amazing dates, but my favorite one was the most simple. I'll never forget High School Musical and your cooking; sugar and HSM soundtrack reminds me of your.

    I believe whatever happens in the future will. But this summer will remain and I'm happy you and I were apart of it, together.

    This summer has been like Santa Monica sand: magic. :D

    Believe. :)

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