I loved your memo, btw...

''It's not a memo, it's a mission statement.''

Friday, May 12, 2006

"This Boy"
[Music Nikki Flores, "This Girl"]

Georgia Byrd: "Next time... we will laugh more, we'll love more; we just won't be so afraid."

The time is nearing for me and I am feeling scared and excited. I don't know what is going to happen or whether it will happen at all. I am always so worried about things not happening like they're suppose to.

It feels like one chapter of my life is coming to an end while another begins. In a way, I am starting over. I always knew I had school to fall back on; it was a given that it was a place I had no choice but to attend. Frankly, I got sick of it but it made decision making so much easier. When it's over, I have no idea where I belong or will go.

It is so strange how much and how little has happened through the years. Nothing turned out like I wanted to. Everything I thought would happen never did. I guess I have to accept I am not that type of person and certain type of things are not for me. I can't really change my personality and do stuff I don't really like because it'll make me feel uncomfortable. I have learned to stay true to who I am.

At the same time, I have done things I never dreamed of. I am capable of so much. A year ago, I would be surprised if you told me where I would be today. I put myself down so much but I have accomplished SO MUCH this year. I have experienced a lot. I have learned to be less afraid and I still am. Even I am surprised sometimes to hear my own voice. Like Ashlee sings, I am me.

Here's to the next chapter. Here's to tomorrow. Here's to you and me.


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